91 to 100 of 179
  • Does The Clock Manage You?
    by Carole Kanchier - September 7, 2017
    Are you always jamming your schedule, feel you can't waste a second? Do you allow the clock to manage you? Or, do you feel comfortable trusting your intuition to guide your time? To better manage time, we set priorities and schedule our days and months. But we often still feel pressured, lack total control. The conventional approach to managing time was appropriate for the Industrial-Age, but is this effective in...
  • Labor Day
    by Carole Kanchier - September 4, 2017
    Labor Day is on the first Monday of September every year. It was originally organized to affirm the dignity and worth of workers. Labor days are celebrated annually at different times around the world to celebrate workers and their contributions to the economies of their countries. Labor Day began in Canada in 1872, when the Toronto Trades Assembly organised the first significant workers' demonstration to support...
  • Can You Take A Risk?
    by Carole Kanchier - August 31, 2017
    Most successful people have learned to risk. The good feelings that result from taking a risk can be incredible. You see yourself as a survivor. You force yourself to grow by calling on abilities you haven't used. Achieving your goal will enhance your sense of accomplishment, self-confidence and knowledge. Are You a Risk Taker? Answer “yes” or “no.” 1. I often wish people would be more...
  • Tips For Successful Self-Promotion
    by Carole Kanchier - August 28, 2017
    Do you feel comfortable marketing yourself? Or, do you fear rejection, appearing boastful? Believe it’s impolite to talk about yourself? If so, you’re not alone. To get your ideal job, you must promote yourself. If you don’t tell others what you can offer, how will they know what you can do? Where to start? 1. View yourself as an entrepreneur. Think of yourself as a product to be sold, rather...
  • Test Your Dining Etiquette
    by Carole Kanchier - August 24, 2017
    Lunch or dinner meetings are common. Prospective employers and colleagues want to know how you can handle yourself in social situations, and whether you can carry on a good conversation. Business deals can be sealed or lost over a meal. Test Your Dining Etiquette Answer Yes or No. 1. I like sampling exotic food. 2. If the menu is fixed and I'm served food I dislike, I ask for a replacement. 3. I place my wr...
  • Are You A Quester? Take The Quiz!
    by Carole Kanchier - August 21, 2017
    Are you a Quester? Would you like to become one? Who are Questers anyway? What personality traits give them confidence and courage to succeed? Take the Quester Quiz Answer yes or no: 1. When I want something, I’m willing to risk. 2. I have a sense of purpose and pursue goals in harmony with it. 3. I’m usually optimistic. 4. I like trying new things. 5. I place mor...
  • Keeping Your Cool At Work
    by Carole Kanchier - August 17, 2017
    Have you been so angry that you wanted to throw something at another colleague? Lost your temper and voiced anger? Anger sends messages such as, “You’ve offended me.” “I don’t like you.” Expressing anger tends to generate more anger. While anger is a natural emotion, mismanagement of anger can have serious consequences. Anger in the workplace is a problem when it adversely affect...
  • Job Getting You Down? Call Time-Out
    by Carole Kanchier - August 14, 2017
    Tom was approaching 30 and he wanted to step off the treadmill, but to do what? He needed time to rethink his goals. Tom and his wife, Elva, decided on a moratorium -- a time-out from responsibilities and commitments. They sold everything and bought a van. 'But you're giving up everything. ... What will you do when you come back?' everyone cried. After driving throughout North America, they settled in a small tow...
  • How Assertive Are You?
    by Carole Kanchier - August 7, 2017
    Shirley was taught to put others' needs before her own. She usually gets stuck with office 'odd jobs.' Jerry keeps getting promoted into administrative roles he dislikes. Although he does a great job, he prefers working with people. Many employees don't stand up for themselves and express their feelings. They're not assertive enough!. Assertive behavior differs from aggressive behavior. Aggressive people a...
  • Research Is Crucial Before Career Change
    by Carole Kanchier - August 1, 2017
    Fran jumped into her home delivery meal service without researching similar businesses. She soon gave it up because she had to work extra hours. Ben knew all about his options before returning to school. He loves teaching. Researching career options takes time, but the benefits are numerous. It reduces uncertainty, tempers fantasies and saves considerable time, energy and money. In addition to knowing yourself, research...